
Saturday, 18 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week.2 Day.4 Task.2

Activity 2: Celebrating Diversity

The two that I choose was Aboriginal Australians & Ainu People.

Aboriginal Australians:

  1. They could be the Oldest population of humans living outside of Africa. facts say they migrated from boats 70 million years ago.
  2. Facts say that those early migrants came from Africa.
  3. Police would take there children of Aboriginal Australians and were adopted, most of the time they would even change their names.
Ainu People: 
  1. In the olden days Ainu people were not allowed to speak there own language and were forced to speak Japanese.
  2. 25 thousand Ainu people still live here today. 
  3. They live in the northern Island of japan


  1. Hello Gamado,
    Vitaraag here! I just saw this post and decided to comment on it. I mean, why not? I had an awesome day because I flew my drone! I really like how you gave us really detailed facts. I also really like how you labeled which facts are from which one. A fact that suprised me was that Ainu People were forced to speak Japanese. I never learned to speak my country's language. The reason being I was actually born in a different country. Maybe next time you could add some back story to the activity. Overall, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!


  2. Well hello again Gamado

    I am back to check some wonderful blog posts of yours and I found this wonderful one. I didn't know that the Aboriginal Australians could be the oldest population outside Africa. So thank you for sharing the Gamado😊. Maybe next time you should add what the activity told you to do. Otherwise, peerlees blog post Gamado!

    -Pao :)

  3. Ata Mārie Gamado,

    Thank you for completing Week 2, Day 4, Activity 2. I really like this activity because you get the chance to learn about indigenous people and communities that you might not usually get to learn about.

    I like that you have chosen to read into the Australian Aboriginal and the Ainu people for this activity. I can see that you have gone through the information on the link that was provided and found some facts that you liked and have reworded them nicely onto this post.

    Did you know some of these things about them before you did this activity?

    Ngā Mihi,


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