
Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.4 Task.3

Activity 3: Worth Her Weight in Gold

About Tonga:
Tonga has a population of 108,020 since 2017
Tongan's mostly eat Taro, Yams, Coconuts and Seafood
Tonga has 170 Islands

Popular places to visit in Tonga:

  • Vava'ua
  • Nuku'alofa
  • Tongatapu
  • Ha'apai

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.4 Task.2

Activity 2: Whats in a Name

If I were to be able to change my name I would change it to Usian Bolt because he has been an inspiration and I want to be just like him.

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.4 Task.1

Activity 1: Making a Racket

This is what I learned from watching the three videos

  1. You have to fight hard for what you want
  2. Always have confidence and believe in yourself
  3. Never give up no matter what
The one thing I would like to know is why are women getting paid less then men

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.3 Task.3

Activity 3: Achieving Our Dreams

My friend Yohannes he wants to be a soccer player here are my 6 ways of supporting them

  1. Cheer him on with the crowd
  2. Help him practice every day
  3. Become a soccer player with him and play with him
  4. Just be a good friend
  5. Buy him good training gear for Christmas or his birthday
  6. When he feels sad or loses a game I should cheer him up

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.3 Task.2

Activity 2: Defying The Odds

I would interview LeBron James and here are my five questions.

  1. What inspired you to play basketball
  2. At what age did you start playing
  3. What is it like playing for the Lakers
  4. Do you like your team
  5. What was your favourite game you have played

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.3 Task.1

Activity 1: Rugby Superstars

  1. Mind Reading skills because it helps you know what there thinking, there next move and there objective.
  2. Super Strength because it helps you lift heavy thing, you can't get hurt that much and it is good in your everyday life as well.
  3. Super Speed because you could easily dodge opponents hits, you will be able to capture them quickly and it is good in your everyday life as well.

Monday, 30 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.2 Task.3

When I was in my home country I was playing with a baby cow, when one of the parents came and kicked me into a big stream I was drowning. then my dad came and stayed calm and then saved me I didn't know how he saved me because I had fainted.

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.2 Task.2

Activity 2: One Small Step For Man

when I First Arrived on the moon it was noon. I saw a fat cat, I thought it was flying just jokes I'm lying. oh please I thought it was cheese and almost ate it, but it was just bait to make me late.

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.2 Task.1

Activity 1: Flying Solo

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.1 Task.3

Activity 3: Scaling New Height


SPCA is a charity that helps sick pets or pets who don't have home recover and be trained with experts and when they fell better a owner might come and adopt it.

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.1 Task.2

Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

I didn't come from Europe like Abel Tasman I come from a country called Ethiopia it is a country in east Africa and is not really a good country for me because I did't like it that much there because  the schools where bad. but i still like because it wouldn't make you lazy because you can never just sit around you would have to be doing something every time.

maybe you could for holiday and see for yourself.

Summer Learning Journey Week.1 Day.1 Task.1

Activity 1: Explorers
10 food items

  1. fruit because there healthy, and is good for a quick snack
  2. meat it's tasty can  be cooked with any vegetable
  3. bread because their tasty and they can go with almost anything
  4. vegetable because there healthy
  5. Fizzy is a nice and tasty drink
  6. Fish because there easy to catch in the sea
  7. eggs because there a good source of protein
  8. beans because there healthy
  9. dark chocolate because it is healthy and yummy
  10. flour because you can make patty's with the meat

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Wesley Primary School Year 6 Graduation

Yesterday at 5:30 pm it was graduation for the Year 6's and most of them came. At the graduation we got Medals & Certificate's. We had some special guests like Mr Margets. Sorry couldn't get any pictures.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week

Today I've been doing the summer learning journey teaser week and here are 3 activity's.

Sports & Leisure

1st Activity Create four similes.
She is as strong as a bull
She is as tall as a Giraffe
She is as small as an ant
She is as fast as a cheetah

2nd Activity Equal pay for Equal work
I think it is not fair that the women's get less money for playing rugby just for their gender because  every one is the same and it is the same game so they should get the same pay as everyone else.

3rd Activity The Greatest Of All Time
My 3 disadvantages about being the Greatest Of All Time is that you don't get to spend and time with your family and Friends, you might never get good Challengers and it will get boring quickly, and finally it means you have to practice every day and no quitting (maybe you can have some rest days).

My 3 advantages of being a the Greatest Of All Time is that you will be famous and every one will know you, you will always win (maybe you might get bet), and finally you get to go to a special school were people like the same thing as you (well not exactly the same as you) and there will be someone to vs you.

Arts & Entertainment
1st Activity make a profile page for Lorde

2nd Activity Pepeha

My name is gammado
My mountain is Mount Roskill
My Waka is Airplane
I am from Ethiopia
My father is Ageyo
My mother is Baba

3rd Activity Descriptive writing The BFG
Good hearing
He is huge


Tuesday, 15 October 2019


Hello, guys today I made a wanted poster and I am going to share it with you

Mum and Dad Fighting

Hello, guys today I was writing a story and I wanted to share it with you.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Fire Safety DLO

Hello, It's me Gammado and today I was learning about fire safety skills, so we even played a cool game even you can play and I figured I would share it with you here it is.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Enterprising Survey

Hello It's me Gammaddo and today I am back from the holidays and  I did a survey about myself but sorry it did not work I could only upload the graph the rest I will just put the link.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Simple Machines

Hi, it's me Gammado and Tomorrow I will be going to MOTAT and did a slide on one of the exhibitions that we will be seeing.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

MOTAT Travel expo

Hello it's me again and my class and Room 7 will be going to MOTAT so I did a Travel expo hope you enjoy follow me down the bottom.

Friday, 7 June 2019


Hello today I was learning about gravity and I did a DLO if you don't know what gravity is hope you  like comment below.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

How Does My Bike Work?

Hello, It's me Gammado and today I'll teach you how your bike works.
I wrote a story based on a glossary and these are the words brake lever, chain, handlebars, pedals, sprocket, tyre and wheel. This is my story.